The relevance of regions in system transformation (REGTRANS)

The aim of the project is to ask how transition research can contribute to a better understanding of regional transformation processes, primarily how a regional economic system can be designed and guided on a sustainable growth path, taking into account current findings from New Economic Geography and the Geography of Transitions. Based on a thorough literature review in the sense of theoretical deduction, a conceptional framework of regional specific transition paths will be developed in order to derive spatial dimensions in system transformations and the political influence of regional transformation paths towards sustainable regional development. It is intended to prepare a working paper that will be presented at an online workshop together with other invited contributions.

The medium-term objective beyond SYSTRA funding is the preparation and submission of an article submission to a scientific journal like Regional Studies or Regional Planning Studies.

Knut Koschatzky

Prof. Dr. Knut Koschatzky

Phone +49 721 6809-184